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HVS Planning Letters

Major Developments - Dedicated Pages

Planning Application East of Lodge Road (Tape Lane) - Click here for all info

Planning Broadcommon Road - Click here for all info

Planning Application Land adjacent to School & Orchard Road (Willowmead Field) Application 230074 - Click here for all info

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - Click here for more information

Planning Application Land N-W of Hogmoor Lane (240583) for 9 dwellings

HVS letter to WBC - 28 March 24

Background Information from HVS about the site - view here

Email exchange between HVS and WBC regarding methodology used for assessment in site, following query in June 21 (View June 21 letter)

Reply from Mr Church on 22 March 24

Sent: 22/03/2024 11:59:20

Subject: RE: Site 5HU030 Land North West of Hogmoor Lane Hurst and Land next to Whistley Green Cottage

Dear Mr Osborne,

Thank you for your below email on behalf of the Hurst Village Society regarding the planning application relating to Land north west of Hogmoor Lane, Hurst.

By way of background, the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) is a high level technical assessment of the potential suitability, availability and achievability of land that has been promoted for development. The outcome is a pool of sites which might reasonably be considered further when preparing a potential strategy for managing development.

As you’re aware, land north west of Hogmoor Lane (site reference 5HU030) was assessed as part of the last published version of the HELAA, in 2021. Work is well advanced to update the HELAA to help inform the next stage of the Local Plan Update. This includes the assessment of new land that has been promoted, alongside reviewing any new technical information, and wider feedback on those sites promoted previously.  For example, having reflected on comments to previous consultation, in the forthcoming HELAA, the Land north West of Hogmoor Lane is being assessed individually, rather than being grouped with the site referred to as ‘Land adjacent to Whistley Green Cottage’ (5HU020).  

In terms of the adopted development plan, the status of the site has not changed. The site is not allocated for development in an adopted local plan, and is located outside the development limits of Hurst, within the countryside. In terms of the emerging Local Plan Update, as you’re aware the site was identified as a proposed allocation for housing development in the last consultation version of the Local Plan Update: Revised Growth Strategy (2021). The emerging Local Plan Update carries limited weight in decision taking.

Given the live application is being considered by colleagues in Development Management I’m unable to comment in detail, but the case officer will clearly be considering the benefits and adverse impacts of the proposal as part of making their recommendation.

The next formal stage of preparing the Local Plan Update is anticipated this summer, which will provide a further opportunity for the Hurst Village Society to engage.

Kind regards,


Ian Church

Local Plan Manager

Wokingham Borough Council

Email from HVS - 19 March 24

Dear Mr Church,

I wrote to Wokingham Borough Council on behalf of the Hurst Village Society in relation to the above site on the 10th June 2021 (a long time ago I hear you say!!) and you very kindly sent an e-mail in response on the 7th July 2021. For your information I have attached copies of this correspondence.  As you are probably aware a planning application for this site has recently been submitted and is now open to public consultation. Whilst for many different reasons I know that the update to the Local Plan has been delayed, but following my concerns that the methodology used for assessing sites as to their suitability for future development had not been properly adhered to in promoting this particular site, I am asking if you are able to inform me as to the current status of this site.

 I would appreciate a swift response, as this up to date information could influence any submission the Society might wish to make in connection with this application. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

John Osborne 

Planning Application

Outline application for the proposed erection of 9No dwellings and associated access, (with Landscaping, Layout, scale and Appearance reserved) and only Access to be considered.

View full details on the WBC planning portal.

Consultation Period Ends 28 March 24

Planning Application at Hatchgate Farm (240198) for 5 Residential & change of use agricultural units 

Full application for the proposed erection of 5no. residential dwellings and change of use of retained agricultural buildings to Class E(g) commercial 6 no. units/employment use. Following demolition of existing/outdated agricultural building.

Planning Application

View full details on the WBC Planning Portal.

Consultation Period Ends 14 March 24

HVS Response sent to WBC - 14 March 24

Comment from HVS
The Society's Committee when considering any response to Wokingham Borough Council as part of a Public Consultation on any planning application always has due regard to the adopted Hurst Village Society Planning Guidelines ( which can be viewed in full here) to ensure that our response is in accord with that mandated remit. This is particularly important when as a Committee we accept that some individual members may have a different stance to that taken by the Committee. 

Planning Application (230201) for 3 houses at Walden Acres on Wokingham Road

Appeal Ref; APP/X0360/W/23/3322416

On the 15th December 2023 H Wilkinson BSc(Hons) MSc MRTPI an Inspector appointed by The Secretary of State, Dismissed the Appeal made under Section 78 of The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 against a refusal to grant planning permission for the erection of three family dwellings with associated parking and amnenity space at Walden Acres. The full Appeal Decision letter can be viewed here.

HVS letter to Planning Inspectorate - 8 October 2023

WBC Letter to HVS - 11 September, 2023

An Appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against the decision of Wokingham Borough Council to refuse planning permission for the proposed erection of three 2 storey dwellings with associated car port parking, bicycle storage and amenity space.

The Appeal will be determined on the basis of written representations.   Representations can be e-mailed to but must be received by 9th October 2023 and must quote the appeal reference APP/X0360/W/23/3322416. The Appellants Statement can be viewed here, as well as on the WBC portal

HVS letter to WBC - 16 February 2023

Update 29 Jan 23

There is now a new application for the Walden Acres site that has been validated by WBC.

This new Planning Application No: 230201  is a full application for the proposed erection of three 2 storey dwellings with associated car port parking, bicycle storage and amenity space. The period for Public Consultation opened on 27th January 2023 and closes on 17th February 2023.

It should be noted this is a new application because apparently the previous application (Planning Application No: 223677) has been withdrawn but this currently hasn't been made clear by WBC on their Planning Portal. 

In their new Planning and Design Statement the applicants are saying " The reason that the previous application was withdrawn was due to a change to the Red Line associated with the site area (HVS's words; The Red Line delineates the site area on a map that is the subject of of the application) and to provide an opportunity to respond to comments raised by the local community...........A separate Community Involvement Statement (Access Here) accompanies this Planning Statement which covers the matter in more detail and it is hoped that interested members of the community will review this document given that it clarifies a number of misconceptions"

HVS will of course review the "new" application to see if there are any additional material planning considerations or other changes on which to submit comments.

Previous Planning Application (223677) for 3 houses at Walden Acres on Wokingham Road

HVS understand that WBC is currently unable to demonstrate a 5 year housing supply, thus the planning balance rule is the planning principle that needs to be followed wrt to this application : “ every planning application should be judged on its own individual merits” and as such not influenced by any other development proposals in the locality no matter what stage in the planning process they are currently at"

This application for 3 houses is outside the village envelope, however village envelopes were traditionally put in place to prevent neighbouring localities and settlements merging into one by preventing development on the periphery of villages.   However this site is very much an in-fill site within an established residential part of the village. And, as in addition the 5 year housing supply has not been met, planning balance is the guideline that needs to be followed when reviewing applications.

HVS Letter to WBC - 13 Jan 23

Poppies Farm - Planning Applications

Revised Planning Applications; 232527, 232525, & 232526

HVS letter to WBC supporting the applications - 31 October 2023

Planning applications which relate to an existing and developing agricultural
and NEET (Not in employment, education or training) facility.

The applicant is seeking planning  permission to site an agricultural worker's dwelling (mobile home) to enable her to continue to manage, develop and expand her livestock breeding enterprise and meet the welfare needs of livestock on the farm.

Planning Application - Change of use of land for the siting of a mobile home for agricultural worker's dwelling (221590)

HVS Letter of support to WBC including overview of all Poppies Farm applications - 29 June 22

Planning Application - Temporary Earth bund (221597)

HVS Letter to WBC- 29 June 22

Planning Applications - polytunnels (221593 and 221594)

HVS Letter to WBC - 29 June 22

Planning Application - piggery (221598)

HVS Letter to WBC - 29 June 22

Planning Application - educational facility, barn and pens (221567)

HVS Letter to WBC - 29 June 22

Ashdown Farm, Maidenhead Road, Hurst, R40 5RR.

Full Application (ref;231333) for the proposed change of use of land to a mixed use of residential and the keeping of horses, plus the erection of 1No. detached five bedroom dwelling and garage with associated parking, landscaping and swimming pool.

WBC letter refusing planning permission - 26 Sep 23

HVS Letter objecting to the application - 1 August 2023

Hurst Football Club & Proposed Green Space Designation

HVS was contacted by Hurst Football Club and asked to support them in their submission to Wokingham Borough Council that as a club they do not support the nomination of their ground at Stow Bridge, Hinton Road , Hurst as a designated Local Green Space and that any such designation would neither be appropriate or beneficial to them and may even damage the unique and longstanding support they receive from the owners of the land. Hurst Football Club have also written to Hurst Parish Council requesting their support in this matter. For information only a single individual has nominated the field for Local Green Space Designation.

View HVS Letter to WBC - 25 August 2023 2023 

Update 23 August 2023

Application to vary conditions approved.  View WBC letter here.

Update 11 April 2023

HVS letter to WBC re variation of conditions - new application reference 230657

Update 3rd September 2022

Following the decision report dated 4th August 2022 from the Planning Inspectorate allowing the Appeal and granting Planning Permission, Councillor Wayne Smith convened an "urgent meeting" of the "Say No to 200 Houses in Hurst" group, of which he is the Chairman and HVS is a member, to discuss the decision in general and any possible impacts on other planning applications in and around Hurst.

The first of these meetings held on 17th August mainly considered  the feasibility of challenging this decision in the High Court through the Judicial Review Process.

Councillor Smith subsequently contacted Wokingham Borough Council requesting them to provide information as to whether in their opinion there were grounds for a Judicial Review ('In short, our opinion is there are no grounds for challenging the decision') and as a first stage in this process would they be prepared to fund a review of the Decision Report and all background information by a leading planning QC to establish the likelihood of any subsequent challenge being successful. A copy of their response is available here.

As a result of their comments, Councillor Smith convened a further meeting of "The Say No to 200 Houses in Hurst" group on the 24th August from which the main action point was to request the HVS Committee to release £7000 from the Society's funds to facilitate the QC's review. The HVS Committee met on 1st September (view Judicial Review briefing note here) and following a lengthy and informed discussion decided against releasing funds for this purpose for the reasons detailed in an e-mail to Councillor Smith dated 2nd September  (view here).

Update 7th August 2022

The decision of the Planning Inspector, dated 4th August 2022 is that “The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted”. in accordance with the terms of planning  application ref;211532, and subject to a schedule of conditions imposed by the Inspector.

The full Appeal Decision can be accessed HERE, and it is strongly recommended that individual members of the Society and other local residents read this in full in order to at least be fully aware, even if you don’t necessarily agree with the reasons for the Inspector’s decision.  There is also a short summary below of the key points.

HVS Statement
HVS formally objected to this application when it was submitted to Wokingham Borough Council (WBC) and reiterated those objections to the Planning Inspectorate after an Appeal had been lodged. Indeed before the intervention of WBC, when the Planning Inspectorate had indicated the Appeal would be dealt with by an Informal Hearing, HVS lobbied the Inspector to ensure we were given an opportunity to speak at any such future hearing.

Our objections were based on the fact that the development proposals are outside the current development limits and would appear to conflict with WBC’s Core Strategy Policy CP11 not least because  the proposals did not satisfy any of the exceptions that permit development outside those limits.

In objecting on these grounds HVS was maintaining the stance that it has taken in considering all recent applications for development outside current development limits. However the Society had previously raised it’s concerns with WBC and did so again in relation to this application, that there are concerns that such restrictive policies as CP11 are not consistent with The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), and also on the Council’s ability to demonstrate and maintain a minimum five year land supply, and that in such circumstances an Inspector would be required to conclude such policies are out of date and therefore would apply little or no weight to them, which is exactly what has happened in this case. The Inspector has been obliged therefore to apply “the tilted planning balance” concept requiring him to assess the adverse impacts of the development against any benefits when assessed against the policies  in the NPPF when taken as a whole. The Inspector says “I consider that the adverse impacts of granting permission would not significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits” and “Overall, I conclude that the benefits of the proposal significantly outweigh the conflict with the settlement boundaries and the limited harm in terms of landscape character and visual impact” 

HVS is aware that many individuals will be surprised, disappointed and perhaps concerned at this decision and the possible effect on current and future applications for development proposals in Hurst. However it is important to remember that into the future, each individual planning application will always be judged on it’s own merits and that in any future appeals any planning  balance considerations relating to that application will have to be fully taken into account.

HVS has looked in detail at the Planning Inspector’s report and whilst people may not agree with the decision he has made, his report does in our opinion properly address all the reasons for refusal as made by WBC, and all other material policy considerations, and as such complies with due process in respect of the observations made. If an application for a Judicial Review  of the Planning Inspector’s Decision was to be considered it would need to highlight where any error in the legal process had been made and to identify why the Inspector couldn’t reasonably have come to the decision he has on the basis of the information put in front of him.

HVS believes we need  to closely examine some of the inferences made in the Inspector’s report, and also lobby central government in relation to their targets in relation to WBC’s 5 year Housing Land Supply, so that any future threats to our village and it’s surrounds by inappropriate development can be mitigated.   

HVS is committed to playing a full  role, both individually and  as part of the community in this process.

The Main Issues reviewed by the Inspector and his decisions, as well as procedural matters considered with respect to Local and Neighbourhood Plans are below:

Procedural Matters.

  • As it has not been possible to make substantive reference to policies contained within the emerging new Local Plan, in accordance with section 48 of the National Planning Policy Framework little weight                    has been attached to them.

  • As there is no evidence as to when any Hurst Neighbourhood Plan following consultation, may be subject to formal examination, the policies contained therein have been afforded no weight.

Main Issues Reviewed by The Inspector

Whether the proposal is in a suitable location for housing having regard to national planning policies, the Council’s spatial strategy for new housing and housing land supply. 

  • Conclusion that the proposal would conflict with MDD Policy CC02 as well as CS Policies CP11 and CP9

  • Key factor is whether WBC can demonstrate a 5 year housing land supply (‘HLS’).  The inspector reviewed the latest data regarding the HLS and it is 4.92 years.

  • As HLS less than 5 years the weight given to CC02 and CP11 and CP9 reduced to moderate.

The effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the area. 

  • Accepts that as a matter of principle there would be localised harm, however the visual elements of such harm would be minimised and local.

  • Moderate weight attributable to likely adverse effect of scheme.

Whether the proposal is in a suitable location for housing having regard to the accessibility of services, facilities and to the reliance on motor vehicles. 

  • Considers that local facilities adequately accessible by means of walking and cycling.  Bus stops are available for other services. 

  • Cars would be required to access other facilities, but no basis to support assertion that proposed dwellings would be overly reliant on cars.

The effect of the proposed development on trees. 

  • Tree that is potentially a veteran tree is protected by a TPO and as per the plan it is not being removed.

  • 6 trees identified for removal to facilite site access are Catgory C trees and of low quality or Category U trees which are not suitable for retention.

  • Except for above 6 trees, does not consider that the proposed development would cause a significant detrimental impact on existing trees.  Therefore no conflict with CP3, CC)3 or TB21.  These policies also require developer to maintain fauna and flora etc as integral part of plan.

The effect of the proposed development on biodiversity.

  • Accepts the appellants view that a 1% biodiversity net gain, which meets current legal requirements, and there is no evidence provided that the developer’s Ecology Rebuttal Statement may be in correct.

Whether the proposed development makes sufficient provision for affordable housing. 

  • Apellant has provided a completed Unilateral Undertaking, which amongst other things provides for an affordable housing contribution of £175,342 towards off-site provision.

  • This carries significant weight for the Apellant

Whether there are any material considerations which mean that the decision should be made otherwise than in accordance with the development plan (Planning Balance). 

  • The Council is currently unable to demonstrate a 5 year supply of housing.  This therefore triggers the so called ‘tilted balance’ and planning permission granted unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the piolicies in the Framework taken as a whole.

  • Factors reviewed and decision taken that on balance the appeal should be allowed.

Public Consultation starts 12 May 2021 and ends 03 June 2021

View Letter of Objection written by HVS

Letter from HVS Chairman to PHAG regarding Planning request at Sawpit Road - 20 May 21

Letter from PHAG to HVS re Sawpit Road - 20 May 21

HVS Statements re Potential Planning Application in Sawpit Road.

HVS Statement regarding Sawpit Road 23 April 21

WBC Letter to HVS - 2 July 21 - Planning Permission Refused

Notification from WBC that application gone to appeal, letter not received from PINS - 8 Sep 21

Update Jan 22

Appeal to be determined on basis of an Informal Hearing (date & venue to be confirmed).

Deadline for submissions of Comments is Thursday 20th Jan 22.

View more details.

HVS Letter to Planning Inspectorate - 19 Jan 22

Update 8/9 February 2022

John Osborne on behalf of The Society spoke to the Planning Inspectorate yesterday (8th February) to clarify the position regarding the future Appeal. Regarding the change of procedure he was told that the request came  from Wokingham Borough Council, who felt that the Appeal could be dealt with under Written Representations which resulted in a review by one of the Inspectorate's most senior Inspectors who concluded that there is "no justification for a Hearing" and that "the Appeal will proceed by way of Written Representations". In our written representation which has already been submitted, The Society had also expressed a wish to speak at the Hearing, and is sorry to have lost that opportunity. If you have not so far submitted your written submissions because you too had wished to speak at the Hearing, you can still do this by sending an e-mail to quoting the Appeal reference; APP/X0360/W/21/3280255 and it is suggested this should be done by 22nd February 2022.

John spoke again this morning (9th February) to the Planning Inspectorate and was informed that the decision to change the procedure for determining this Appeal is now being reviewed again !! Watch this space for further up to date news!!

Update 17 February 2022
HVS was in contact again with the Planning Inspectorate today 17th February and they have confirmed that following a review this Appeal will be dealt with by Written Submissions rather than an Informal Hearing.

Update 10 August 2023

Planning application declined - view appeal decision - 10 August 23

HVS Letter to the Planning Inspectorate - 31 March 23

Original application (211667)

Public Consultation starts 19 May 2021 and ends 02 June 2021

View Letter of Objection written by HVS

WBC Letter to HVS -1 July 21 - Planning Permission Refused

WBC Letter to HVS -  Mast at Broadwater Lane gone to Appeal - 18 November 2021.  Deadline for comments 16 December 21.  

HVS will be sustaining its objection to the mast.  View HVS comments and details how to object here 21 Nov 21. 

HVS Letter of objection of Mast to Planning Inspectorate 11 Dec 21

Notice of Appeal Dismissal - 27 Jan 22

HVS Comment - 2 Feb 22

HVS welcomes the Planning Inspector's decision to dismiss this Appeal and that in doing so he agrees with the Society that there were  significant errors in the submitted material with the original application and that the installation of an 18 metre high mast on this site would be an intrusive and incongruous incursion into the pleasant semi-rural character of the locality. However it is important to note that the Inspector does "accept the need for a new installation in this general area in order to provide an acceptable telecommunications network utilising 5G technology" and the Society is aware that this is the view of a number of local residents and will therefore be looking closely at any future proposed sites to balance any potential or perceived harm on the character and appearance of the locality and the need for the installation. 

Update - WBC - Local Development Scheme

Wokingham Borough Council's

View HVS report on the Executive Meeting on 27th July 2023.  More details re WBC and the Local Plan.

Executive Meeting – Thursday 27 July, 7.00pm

At it's meeting next week, Wokingham Borough Council's Executive will be asked to consider the adoption of a Local Development Scheme 2023 (Agenda Item 33).

'The purpose of this report is to consider the adoption of a Local Development Scheme (LDS), the document which sets out the work programme for the local plans that are intended to be prepared over the next three years and when there are opportunities for engagement.'

This report provides important and useful information from the Planning Authority (not least of all in relation to the Local Plan Update) so if you have the time it is recommended you read it.

If you have any comments or questions please do not hesitate to contact us. We will provide some further information once the meeting has taken place next week and the WBC Executive Members have made a decision.

The recommended Local Development Scheme put forward by the officers for adoption by WBC’s Executive and attached as Enclosure 1 to their report proposes “that work will be progressed on one local plan - The Local Plan Update ( LPU). The LPU will set out the long-term strategy for managing development and provides an opportunity to refresh planning policy so that they reflect ambitions which go above and beyond current policies, such as achieving zero carbon development, greater levels of net biodiversity gain and greater levels of affordable housing.”

You can also watch the meeting live on line via this link.

WBC Letter confirming successful application - 11 April 2023

HVS letter of support - 27 February 2023

Planning Application (223713) for the change of use from agricultural barn to residential dwelling with associated parking and amenity provision.   (Previously application 222279)

13 February 2023

WBC letter to HVS confirming support of planning application.  View letter here.

HVS Letter of Support - 3 Jan 22

Previous Planning Application 222279

WBC Refusal of Planning Application - 5 Oct 22

HVS Letter of Support to WBC - 18 Aug 22

Planning Application (222664) for 1 House behind Alma Cottage, Lodge Road

HVS letter of objection to Planning Application 222846 - 3 Oct 22

As detailed in the letter, HVS believes that this application is essentially identical to the planning application below.

17 Oct 2022 - Planning Application refused

"HVS is delighted that the Planning Authority has again refused this application. As was stated in our objection, and raised by many local
residents, apart from a small reduction in height this was a replica of the the original application and therefore had totally disregarded the comments of the Planning Inspector and had failed to correct the factual errors that had been identified in the original application. The Society also welcomes the comments by the Planning Authority that the company had failed to show that they had carried out a robust examination of alternative sites as one of the reasons as to why the application was

Planning Application for 5G Mast on Broadwater Lane (211667)

Public Consultation starts 19 May 2021 and ends 02 June 2021

View Letter of Objection written by HVS

WBC Letter to HVS -1 July 21 - Planning Permission Refused

WBC Letter to HVS -  Mast at Broadwater Lane gone to Appeal - 18 November 2021.  Deadline for comments 16 December 21.  

HVS will be sustaining its objection to the mast.  View HVS comments and details how to object here 21 Nov 21. 

HVS Letter of objection of Mast to Planning Inspectorate 11 Dec 21

Notice of Appeal Dismissal - 27 Jan 22

HVS Comment - 2 Feb 22

HVS welcomes the Planning Inspector's decision to dismiss this Appeal and that in doing so he agrees with the Society that there were  significant errors in the submitted material with the original application and that the installation of an 18 metre high mast on this site would be an intrusive and incongruous incursion into the pleasant semi-rural character of the locality. However it is important to note that the Inspector does "accept the need for a new installation in this general area in order to provide an acceptable telecommunications network utilising 5G technology" and the Society is aware that this is the view of a number of local residents and will therefore be looking closely at any future proposed sites to balance any potential or perceived harm on the character and appearance of the locality and the need for the installation. 

Planning Application (220441 ) Forest Road, change of use for siting of a mobile home (previously 214159)

HVS Letter to WBC - 11 Jan 22

WBC Letter to HVS - Withdrawal of application - 15 Feb 22

HVS objected to this application when it was submitted and is therefore
pleased that the applicant has withdrawn the application.

HVS letter to WBC regarding new application - 13 Mar 22

WBC Planning Decision - Approval - 15 Mar 22

Planning Application Grange Farm (211368) reapplied 1 Dec 21 as 213935

HVS Planning Letters

Planning Application Dunt Lane - change of use mobile home for independent residential purposes (212365) 

Planning Permission Declined - Jan 23

HVS letter to WBC - 23 August 21

WBC letter to HVS planning declined - 23 September 21

Planning permission refused

WBC Letter to HVS - notification of Appeal made against decision of WBC  - 28 Jan 22

Statement from HVS - 29 Jan 22

HVS notes that the applicant has submitted an Appeal to The Planning Inspectorate in relation to Wokingham Borough Council's decision to refuse this Planning Application. The Society will be sustaining it's original objection to this application and will be
forwarding a letter to The Planning Inspectorate reaffirming our position.

HVS Letter to Planning Inspectorate regarding Dunt Lane Appeal - 8 Feb 22

Allocation of Sites in Draft Local Plan

HVS Letter to WBC re Allocation of Sites in Draft Local Planning - 10 June 21
HVS Reminder Letter to WBC re Allocation of Sites - 1 July 21

HVS email to HPC Clerk - 6 July 21

WBC reply to HVS - 7 July 21

HVS letter to WBC re Allocation of Sites - 16 July 21

HVS email to HPC Clerk - 20 July 21

WBC Reply to HVS - 26 July 21

HPC Letter to WBC - 4 August 21

HVS Letter to WBC re allocation of sites in Local Plan - 22 Jan 22

Broadcommon Road - Leaper Land Proposal

Click here for page about proposal.

Planning Submitted (213378).  Public consultation ends 8 November 21

Letter from HVS Chairman to PHAG regarding request of funds to pay for feasibility study - 16 June 21

HVS Chairman in Wokingham Today - 30 May 21

Planning Application for 1 House & extension end of terrace at 1 Diamond Villas, Hurst, RG10 0DG (211871)

Public Consultation end date extended to 22 July 21

HVS Letter of Support 12 July 21

Planning permission refused

HVS Letter to WBC on Core Strategies - 15 June 21

WBC Letter to HVS re Core Strategies - 25 June 21

View all applications HVS have commented on from 2017-2020

HVS Planning Letters: Programs
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