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Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

HVS Letter to HPC regarding CILs  - 23 Nov 21

HVS Letter to HPC regarding use of CILs - 29 Oct 21

Explanation of Community Infrastructure Levy

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge which can be levied by Local Authorities on new development in their area. It is an important tool for Local Authorities to use to help them deliver the infrastructure needed to support such new development. This can include transport, flood defences, schools and health and social care facilities. In addition play areas, open spaces, parks and green spaces, cultural and sports facilities and community safety measures are identified as infrastructure the provision of which, CIL monies can be properly used to fund. The monies can be used to increase the capacity of existing infrasructure or to repair failing infrastructure if that is necessary to support any additional new development. Whilst CIL is payable to the relevant Planning Authority, where all or part of a chargeable development is within the area of a Parish Council ( but where there isn’t a neighbourhood plan in place) up to 15% (capped at £100 per dwelling) of the relevant receipts are payable to that Parish Council. Some of the CIL monies so paid could be used to develop a neighbourhood plan.

In accordance with the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations any Authority that receives a contribution from development through the levy or Section 106 planning obligations must prepare an infrastructure funding statement. Hurst Parish Council prepares a separate financial report for any financial year in which it receives any levy receipts. Hurst Village Society has been discussing with the Parish Council the idea of producing and publishing a list of priorities for the expenditure of any income it receives from The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and the Parish Council is now seeking any ideas from individual Parishioners as to how they believed CIL could best be spent. HVS has written to the Parish Council with some of our proposals and would urge you to do the same.

CIL - Community Infrastructure Levy: Programs
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